Transparent Partnership… from Day 1

Our approach to partnering with business owners is based on a spirit of trust and transparency, so we prefer to be upfront about the characteristics that we look for in businesses and the ways that we work with owners before, during, and after an investment.

Preferred Business Characteristics

Track record of profitability (i.e., positive net income)

Consistently strong revenue growth

Exceptional retention of both customers and employees

Existing base of commercial (i.e., business) customers

Healthy amount of recurring or predictable revenue

Partnership Approach

Diligence & Investment

We want to strike a balance between fast, efficient communication and patient relationship building during the diligence process, always with the goal of getting to the best decision on whether a partnership makes sense for both Ellirock and business owners. If it does, we can structure and quickly close on a range of deal types that hopefully meet owners’ financial and timing needs.


Each business owner has different personal and professional goals for the next chapter, so we aim to tailor a post-investment collaboration plan that best fits those goals. Hunter is prepared to step in on a full-time basis, where appropriate, and the Ellirock investor network is available to provide its deep operational expertise.